Fotografie přírody Nature Photography Zdeněk Hanč

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Home > Martináčovití (Saturnidae) - Emperor Moths
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Antheraea pernyi
Antheraea pernyi CZ: Martináč dubový, UK: Chinese (Oak) Tussah Moth (or "Chinese Tasar Moth"), Temperate Tussah Moth, FR: Ver à soie Tussah, NO: kinesisk påfuglspinner, PL: Jedwabnik dębowy, DE: Chinesischer Eichenseidenspinner, 日本語: サクサン |
Antheraea_pernyi_0734.JPG Antheraea_pernyi_0734.JPG Antheraea_pernyi_0735.JPG Antheraea_pernyi_0735.JPG Antheraea_pernyi_0742.JPG Antheraea_pernyi_0742.JPG Antheraea_pernyi_0742 (2).JPG Antheraea_pernyi_0742 (2).JPG Antheraea_polyphemus_9595.JPG Antheraea_polyphemus_9595.JPG Antheraea_polyphemus_9638.JPG Antheraea_polyphemus_9638.JPG
File information
Filename:Antheraea_pernyi_0742 (2).JPG
Album name:administrator / Martináčovití (Saturnidae) - Emperor Moths
File Size:145 KB
Date added:Jun 23, 2013
Dimensions:500 x 750 pixels
Displayed:309 times
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