Fotografie přírody Nature Photography Zdeněk Hanč

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Home > Vážky (Odonata) - Dragonflies
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Libellula depressa
Libellula depressa CZ: Vážka ploská MALE UK: Broad bodied chaser Broad-bodied DK: Blå Libel FI: Litteähukankorento FR: Libellule déprimée NL: Platbuik HU: Közönséges acsa DE: Plattbauch PL: Ważka płaskobrzucha SE: Bred trollslända NO: Bred blålibelle RU: Стрекоза плоская UA: Бабка плоска SI: Modri ploščec
Libellula_quadrimaculata_8287.jpg Libellula_quadrimaculata_8287.jpg Leucorrhinia_rubicunda_0866.jpg Leucorrhinia_rubicunda_0866.jpg Enallagma_cyathigerum_9641.jpg Enallagma_cyathigerum_9641.jpg Libellula depressa_6903.jpg Libellula depressa_6903.jpg Onychogomphus_forcipatus_1221.jpg Onychogomphus_forcipatus_1221.jpg Lestes_viridis_9645.jpg Lestes_viridis_9645.jpg
File information
Filename:Libellula depressa_6903.jpg
Album name:administrator / Vážky (Odonata) - Dragonflies
File Size:91 KB
Date added:Jun 16, 2010
Dimensions:640 x 427 pixels
Displayed:285 times
DateTime digitized:2008:05:31 11:53:41
Favorites:Add to Favorites