Fotografie přírody Nature Photography Zdeněk Hanč

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Home > Vážky (Odonata) - Dragonflies
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Aeshna affinis
Aeshna affinis CZ: Šídlo rákosní SI: Višnjeva deva NL: Zuidelijke glazenmaker HU: Gyakori acsa PL: Żagnica południowa DE: Südliche Mosaikjungfer SK: Šidlo trstinové UK: Southern Migrant Hawker Blue-eyed Hawker DK: Sydlig Mosaikguldsmed FR: Aeschne affine RU: Коромысло синее зеленобокое UA: Коромисло зеленобоке
Libellula_quadrimaculata_9030.jpg Libellula_quadrimaculata_9030.jpg Onychogomphus_forcipatus_0994.jpg Onychogomphus_forcipatus_0994.jpg Onychogomphus_forcipatus_7101.JPG Onychogomphus_forcipatus_7101.JPG Aeshna_affinis_1182.JPG Aeshna_affinis_1182.JPG Crocothemis_erythraea_9026.jpg Crocothemis_erythraea_9026.jpg Lestes_dryas_0507.jpg Lestes_dryas_0507.jpg
File information
Album name:administrator / Vážky (Odonata) - Dragonflies
Keywords:Maďarsko Hungary
File Size:102 KB
Date added:Sep 07, 2010
Dimensions:750 x 499 pixels
Displayed:283 times
DateTime digitized:2010:07:06 12:32:17
Favorites:Add to Favorites