Fotografie přírody Nature Photography Zdeněk Hanč

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Home > Vrubozobí (Anseriformes) - Ducks, Geese, Swans
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Mergus albellus
Mergus albellus SYN: Mergellus CZ: Morčák bílý DE: Zwergsäger PL: Tracz bielaczek SK: Potápač biely ES: Serreta Chica SE: Salskrake RO: Ferestraşul mic Bodârlăul NO: Lappfiskand CN: 斑頭秋沙鴨 RU: Луток JP: ミコアイサ KR: 흰비오리 GR: Νανοπρίστης PT: Merganso-pequeno UO: Луток TR: Sütlabi HE: מרגון גמד UK: Smew DK: Lille Skallesluger FI: Uivelo FR: Harle piette NL: Nonnetje IT: Pesciaiola HU: Kisbukó Kis bukó
Anas_platyrhynchos_5918.jpg Anas_platyrhynchos_5918.jpg Anas_strepera_4598.jpg Anas_strepera_4598.jpg Aythya_ferina_4214.jpg Aythya_ferina_4214.jpg Mergus_albellus_6996a.JPG Mergus_albellus_6996a.JPG Anas_acuta_3474.JPG Anas_acuta_3474.JPG Anser_anser_3370.jpg Anser_anser_3370.jpg
File information
Album name:administrator / Vrubozobí (Anseriformes) - Ducks, Geese, Swans
File Size:102 KB
Date added:Jun 17, 2010
Dimensions:640 x 426 pixels
Displayed:308 times
DateTime digitized:2010:04:18 08:49:12
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