Fotografie přírody Nature Photography Zdeněk Hanč

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Home > Vstavačovité (Orchidaceae) - Orchids
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Corallorhiza trifida
Corallorhiza trifida CZ: Korálice trojklanná DE: Korallenwurz SE: Korallrot FI: Harajuuri RU: Ладьян трёхнадрезный
Cephalanthera_rubra_5208.jpg Cephalanthera_rubra_5208.jpg Cephalanthera_rubra_5221.jpg Cephalanthera_rubra_5221.jpg Corallorhiza trifida_9267.jpg Corallorhiza trifida_9267.jpg Corallorhiza trifida_9271.jpg Corallorhiza trifida_9271.jpg Cypripedium_calceolus_9135.JPG Cypripedium_calceolus_9135.JPG Cypripedium_calceolus_9134.JPG Cypripedium_calceolus_9134.JPG
File information
Filename:Corallorhiza trifida_9271.jpg
Album name:administrator / Vstavačovité (Orchidaceae) - Orchids
File Size:125 KB
Date added:May 19, 2015
Dimensions:500 x 750 pixels
Displayed:324 times
DateTime digitized:2015:05:07 20:27:16
Favorites:Add to Favorites